Many of you already know of yesterday’s events, but for some, this will be the first word you receive. Samuel Ian Emery was born yesterday, May 27, 2009 around 3:00 pm. To make a very long story, short – things did not go as planned. Things were progressing nicely at home, when suddenly the umbilical cord prolapsed (which means that the cord comes passed the baby and cuts off the blood and oxygen flow). The Nurse did what she could to keep the baby’s head off the cord until the ambulance arrived. The paramedic took over with the same attempt until we arrive at the hospital. They did have a slight pulse upon arrival and it took them six minutes to get Samuel out by C-section. When he was removed, he was not breathing nor did he have a heartbeat. They work on him for what seemed to be forever, but I later found out was eight minutes before they were able to establish a heartbeat. They were not able to get him breathing on his own so he has been transferred to Cardinal Glennon’s Children’s Hospital.
Evette is recovering at Jefferson Memorial Hospital. She is doing well, but will be there for 2-3 days before they will release her. Samuel and I are here at the Children’s Hospital. It is 5:00 am Thursday morning and even though he is still in critical condition, he has made some progress overnight. His breathing is still assisted; however, they have slowly decreased the amount of assistance and he is now breathing more on his own than he is being assisted – this is a big step… I think the biggest concern is how his brain will respond. They have him hooked up to a brainwave monitor and late last night his only real waves were happening when he gasped for air (or agnail breathing), the rest of the time the line was flat. Since then, there has been some movement in the wave, not a lot, but it’s a start…
He needs your prayers! Please pass this to anyone who is willing to pray for him. If you would like to continue to receive updates on his progress, send me your email address to and I will add you to the distribution list
Samuel's Celebration of Life DVD
Here it is guys. This is the service we had for Samuel on 10/13/10. This is for you guys. You have been such a help and support. We want to thank every prayer warrior and follower who has journeyed alongside us and Samuel.
If anyone would like a copy of the DVD, you may e-mail me at .
We hope you are as blessed by Mike’s work as we have been.
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 1/6
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 2/6
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 3/6
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 4/6
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 5/6
Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 6/6
A Walk with Samuel
These are the videos that show you glimpses of Samuel's life. We hope you enjoy them.