Our Goal

The purpose of this blog is first and foremost to bring all glory and honor to Christ through our actions and words. Though this blog helps those who view it to follow the life of my amazing little brother I write this blog primarily to unite the body of Christ through prayer and thanksgiving. Samuel and I love sharing the beauty of our Lord with you. May you feel the healing touch of the Savior in your daily lives.

Samuel's Celebration of Life DVD

Here it is guys. This is the service we had for Samuel on 10/13/10. This is for you guys. You have been such a help and support. We want to thank every prayer warrior and follower who has journeyed alongside us and Samuel.

If anyone would like a copy of the DVD, you may e-mail me at kaitlyn@contractcallers.com .

We hope you are as blessed by Mike’s work as we have been.

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 1/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 2/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 3/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 4/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 5/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 6/6

A Walk with Samuel

These are the videos that show you glimpses of Samuel's life. We hope you enjoy them.

Samuel's Third DVD

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made- Samuel's Second DVD

A Video for Samuel by his big sister Kaitlyn

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Samuel is on his way to the ER. His heart rate is up in the 170, he’s hyperventilating, running a fever, posturing, twitching, and his output for the day has been 25%. There are many more factual pieces of information I could give you, but for now I need to take care of Elianna and get her settled into bed for the night. Please pray for him! We are very concerned about how his body is responding. None of us are sure what is going on. I will let everyone know when we have any information.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Join Samuel's Walk for Life!

On September 18th 2010 Samuel and I are going to be participating in the 2 mile Life walk to raise money for the Pregnancy Care Center. The Care Center provides free ultrasounds for women, free parenting classes and counseling, and they offer parent and baby supplies donated by the community. But more than these physical needs the Care Center provides hope and encouragement for those in tough situations. They offer the truth about abortions and the devastation it causes not only to the baby, but also to the family members who are left behind. The Center offers alternatives to families on how to preserve their child’s life instead of destroying it. This organization is purely donations funded, and during the last year they have really felt the financial strain of the economy. The Life Walk is an effort to raise money to continue defending the valuable life of the unborn.

So, Samuel would like to ask any who feel called to please sponsor him in his walk to raise money for the Center. The way this works:

If you feel the desire to Sponsor Samuel in his walk for life then please send me an e-mail at kaitlyn@contractcallers.com, indicating the amount you desire to donate to the Pregnancy Care Center. Include with this amount your first and last name, Address (zip codes are important!), and Phone Number. I will then fill out the Sponsor Pledge form with your information to be able to hand to the Pregnancy Care Center at the walk. They will then take your information and bill you after it is processed. It’s as simple as that! Please help us in our fight for life.

If you know anyone who would be interested in sponsoring Samuel please give them the opportunity by giving them this information.

Thanks to all,


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Samuel's 42nd Update

Just wanted to update everyone and let them know that Samuel has broken his right shoulder. He fractured his humerus bone just below the ball of his shoulder. We do not know what caused the break. Nothing occurred other than his normal daily routine. The one thing we know for sure is that no one did it intentionally, but Samuel’s lack of activity and excess weight create extra risk factors.

The break occurred sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning. By Tuesday afternoon there was a definite increase in his heart rate and discomfort. By Thursday night my mom was able to identify that Samuel’s right shoulder was causing him noticeable pain. It took awhile to settle on his shoulder being the problem because he became very sensitive to being touched. He postured and cried if you touched his leg, he postured if you touched his arm; he cried just being touched period.

So Friday morning my mom and our nurse loaded Samuel up for the ER at Glennon. Upon arriving at the hospital Samuel was taken in for x-rays. When the results came back we found that the right shoulder had fractured. The good news was that it was still in proper alignment and was starting to heal. The ultimate decision was to create a strap that immobilized his arm against his body by wrapping around him. This would be something we could remove to give him baths and allow us to isolate his hand and elbow to be able to do range on them and keep those joints from freezing up.

Samuel is being given Tylenol with Codeine every 4 hours for pain management instead of Ibuprofen because of how much harder Ibuprofen is on the stomach. Since Samuel has already had the bleeding ulcer the decision was that the Tylenol would be a better option for him. However the Tylenol is only taking the edge off Samuel’s pain. His trip home from the hospital was not fun for anyone. He cried and his heart rate was in the 180’s (typically between 106-114) most of the way home.

We are trying to stay ahead of the codeine’s constipating effects; we had just gotten a handle on that earlier this week with the addition of a magnesium supplement. As you already know, any changes we make to his medicine or food causes Samuel to have a decrease in his Urine output. So after 12 hrs on Tylenol he was down to 39% output (our goal is 75%) and had gained 14 oz. overnight. It continues to be down today (24% so far). Samuel’s response to his Diuretics hasn’t been good in the past so we’re not sure that increasing diuretics will take care of the problem or just make things worse.

The concern with continued fluid retention is the stress it will put on his body which can ultimately lead into congestive heart failure and fluid in the lungs. It’s a vicious cycle. Anything we do for pain management compounds the problems he’s already been having. We already didn’t know how to deal with these issues in the first place.

Samuel has a follow up in two weeks with the doctor. Because he is a baby his body should heal very rapidly. Our prayer concerns primarily are for Samuel’s distress and fluid retention. Please keep our nurses in prayer as well. They are all distressed by the situation and blaming themselves even though no one knows how it happened. We thank you all for your prayers. I will keep you posted on his progress.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Samuel's 41st Update!

Okay, so I know many of you believe that I have probably fallen off the face of the earth. However, besides our typical busyness my computer was out of commission for 5 weeks. During this time a lot has been going on. Some of you may know that about 3 months ago we lost one of our three nurses due to health concerns and her long drive. We have since lost another of our remaining 2 nurses, leaving lots of uncovered shifts. This of course was an added stress on top of all the others since the family was now having to rotate shifts threw the nights and days not covered, sometimes up to five nights and two days a week. A few weeks ago we had an issue occur that our nursing company did not handle appropriately; this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. We have had nothing but problems, uncovered shifts, and management issues since very early on in our relationship with the nursing company. Some of the staff disagreed with our stand for Samuel’s life. They are not the first, but were unable to work as part of the team to provide the care, love, and support we needed. All of this was a huge stress on our family.

We have now made the transfer to a new nursing company three weeks ago, one that we are very excited about. The brief overview is that the company is run by a family who has a severely epileptic child now in her early twenties. The mother and a son are both nurses and other members of the family have accounting and management backgrounds. Their family went thru the nursing care system and had lots of problems which we (and other friends we know in similar situations) have experienced. They decided there had to be a better way that was family friendly and actually provided the allotted nursing hours. Their company now has over 200 employees and their approach to nursing care is more of what we have been looking for.

Sheila has made the transfer with us (big relief, Sheila has become like family) and remains Samuel’s primary day nurse. The caliber of nurses being sent to our home has been better, and their approach to Samuel is refreshing. These nurses have been very interactive with Samuel. They talk with him, count with him, sing the ABC’s to him, and treat him like a regular child. Samuel love’s one of the new nurse’s voice and lays in bed with big blue eyes gazing directly into hers when she talks to him. We believe that this change will be very beneficial for our family.

At this point things are still very hectic, especially for my mom, because of the nurse training period. Most every other night my mom is up all night, sometimes even having to train the next day as well. We have found that nurses trained by another nurse tend to be overwhelmed and have not come back. On the opposite side nurses trained by my mom usually continue with us. Most of this is my mother’s approach to Samuel’s care and training. My mom takes it slow and trains as things come up instead of giving a laundry list of do’s and don’ts. It’s just a slower paced, less overwhelming situation that way. Plus it gives us an opportunity to talk about who we are, where we’ve come from, and what our desires for Samuel are.

Apart from all of these changes very little else has gone on (thank goodness!) Samuel has now been fully switched over from the breast milk/milk based formula my mom was making to a food based formula. Now that he is getting older his body requires different nutrition. So far that is going well aside from watching for signs of constipation.

Samuel still deals with Edema (he is now 35 pounds) which is our biggest obstacle at the moment. He probably has about 7 pounds of Edema (based on his previous weight gain) that is taking its toll on his body and ours. It is becoming harder to manage Samuel’s care with his increasing weight. Our prayer is that Samuel would lose the excess fluid in his body and start gaining weight at a healthy rate. As a side note the Edema limits Samuel’s range of motion making it harder to move his joints (i.e. bending his arms to put a shirt on etc.).

Exciting little tidbits around the house include Samuel riding in a swing for the first time a few weeks ago. He wasn’t quite sure about the whole thing, and his eyes were freaking out trying to figure out what to focus on. Also Samuel’s new bath chair arrived. Some families become excited over new books or eBay items arriving, my family gets excited about new medical supplies (unless we are talking about Samuel’s new inline suctions, no one likes those!). And perhaps the most exciting bit of news is… due to the weather and Samuel’s increasing ability to regulate his body temperature he has been able to go to church 5 out of the last 6 Sundays!

I am finally beginning to work on Samuel's celebration of life video, so hopefully in the next moth I will be able to add that to the blog, although I make no promises. Thanks for your patience in waiting for an update; I don’t expect it to be a month before the next one.

In Christ,

Kaitlyn Emery