Our Goal

The purpose of this blog is first and foremost to bring all glory and honor to Christ through our actions and words. Though this blog helps those who view it to follow the life of my amazing little brother I write this blog primarily to unite the body of Christ through prayer and thanksgiving. Samuel and I love sharing the beauty of our Lord with you. May you feel the healing touch of the Savior in your daily lives.

Samuel's Celebration of Life DVD

Here it is guys. This is the service we had for Samuel on 10/13/10. This is for you guys. You have been such a help and support. We want to thank every prayer warrior and follower who has journeyed alongside us and Samuel.

If anyone would like a copy of the DVD, you may e-mail me at kaitlyn@contractcallers.com .

We hope you are as blessed by Mike’s work as we have been.

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 1/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 2/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 3/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 4/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 5/6

Samuel's Celebration of Life- Part 6/6

A Walk with Samuel

These are the videos that show you glimpses of Samuel's life. We hope you enjoy them.

Samuel's Third DVD

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made- Samuel's Second DVD

A Video for Samuel by his big sister Kaitlyn

Saturday, March 27, 2010

33rd Update

A quick update. Samuel arrived home yesterday. My parents decided there was nothing being done in the hospital that we couldn’t do at home, my Mom says we are playing hospital at home. We were originally going to have to do daily blood work, but neither Quest nor JMH would finger stick Samuel (we do not want to have his blood taken through his veins). Instead of driving up to Cardinal Glennon daily his doctors have decided we can just take his blood when he comes in for appointments. He will be heading in for an appointment on Monday and we hope to find his Potassium still doing well and some of his Adema reduced. Samuel has been responding somewhat to his new form of treatment, but we are still dealing with his fluids. We are so glad to have Samuel home!

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